Culture, Cultural Heritage, Tourism, Architecture, Governance, Education and Training, Cultural development, Economic and social development, Communication, Monitoring and evaluation, Urban Plannning, Infrastructure Engineering
credits: DaiWebStudio







Our general approach to communication for development starts by recognising that the origin of the word “communication” comes from Latin “communis facere”, meaning working together, joining efforts. Thus communication means to “share with” and must always be seen as a trust building process concerning people, not just as a technique concerning communication tools. So far we may understand why social marketing techniques have often failed to produce the expected results.

We apply these lessons when dealing with media and with institutional communication as well. It’s always a two way flow to be relevant and the simple transfer of information and knowledge from a recognised source is rarely the case in today world.









ARS Progetti has a wide know how and experience in the different areas which normally go within the Communication sector, such as:

Communication for development and IEC approach (Information- Education-Communication)
Visibility strategies for international donors
Institutional communication for public bodies
Organisation of events, such as conferences and workshops
Identification, implementation and evaluation of programs to support independent and democratic media
Design and production of print and audiovisual materials


Support to the Sri Lankan Innovation and Start-up Ecosystem (SLISE)
Sri Lanka - 2020-2021
EC - EuropeAid

Dissemination and promotion of the Roadmap of the Central American Customs Union (2015-2024), the Trade Facilitation Strategy, with a focus on coordinated border management and competitiveness, including the Agreement on WTO Trade Facilitation
Guatemala - 2019-2021

Technical assistance on Women peace and security, gender knowledge management, and gender outreach and communication for the AUC
African Union - 2018-2019

Consultancy Services to Support Community Engagement and Awareness within the Zanzibar Urban Municipal Council
Tanzania - Zanzibar - 2018-2019
Ministry of Finance & Planning - Zanzibar


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