Culture, Cultural Heritage, Tourism, Architecture, Governance, Education and Training, Cultural development, Economic and social development, Communication, Monitoring and evaluation, Urban Plannning, Infrastructure Engineering
credits: DaiWebStudio

Intangible heritage & Cultural Industry



The offer of culture translate very directly in improvement of life quality.


Cultural services match some basic immaterial needs of people and thus contribute to improving their quality of life in a very direct manner.


An increase in income will also likely translate in a improvement of life quality, but in an indirect manner: in fact although income can buy something which match a perceived need, satisfaction will come after a chain of conditions and events, a sequence of causes-effects.


Innovative capacity develops on the tree of cultural heritage, which is thus a development engine. Culture is the best ambassador of a people.



Public-Private Alliance on Cultural Heritage
Peru - 2021
EC - EuropeAid

Cross-sectoral cooperation and innovation within Creative and Cultural Industries - practices, opportunities and policies within the area of the Northern Dimension Partnership on Culture
Russia - 2020-2021
EC - EuropeAid

Culture for all - phase II
Kosovo - 2013-2015
European Union Office to Kosovo


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